While speaking with Lee last week we discussed whether he needed any help making a video that tells the Lifewellness story, something we’d previously talked about. He shared that he’s back with SDSM and was in fact meeting with the team this week where this might come up. He asked me to send him something that showed him what this would look like.
What are we proposing?
Healthcare in San Diego is largely provided by several huge organizations. Personal attention is simply missing in these large settings.
San Diego Sports Medicine stands out as a group of individuals who provide personal health care that makes the lives of its patients better. Where your physician actually has an idea of who you are.
We’re interested in making content that tells authentic personal stories of key SDSM staff and perhaps some of its patients.
While making a comprehensive video might be considered an obvious solution, we believe a series of short strategically framed videos telling SDSM’s story would initially cost less, phase the investment over time, and be a better solution in telling SDSM’s story. These shorts could be used individually on the website and in social media. After enough of them are made, and assuming they were strategically planned, they would eventually form the back-bone of a comprehensive video.
Why us?
Our background is creating compelling stories that intersect the brand and goals of businesses and the people associated with them. We have experience working across most channels of medicine in the San Diego region, either directly or alongside respective advertising partners.
We go back with SDSM from its inception. My partner Lois, along with her then partner, Nonie McKinnon, designed SDSM’s original logo mark. Lee Rice was our personal doctor. When Lee began the Lifewellness Institute, Lois again created the identity. For many years we were patients of Dr. Parker until about 2010 or so, both Dr. Rice and Dr. Parker evolved to a concierge form of doing business. We found ourselves unable to pay both the price of admission and the high cost of our insurance. Additionally, I had an issue that required surgery. With Dr. Parker’s help we located Dr. Kane at UC San Diego Health. Since then, our care has been provided by UCSD through an HMO.
Having personally experienced our healthcare from the small personal organization where our doctors actually know us personally as opposed to the big provider where it’s difficult to even communicate personally with your doctor, we are in a good position to understand why SDSM provides such excellent care. Familiarity breeds trust, confidence and the willingness to let people in.
What is our process?
Two events on the digital highway have changed the way customers interact with companies. First, bandwidth has increased distribution streams making video playback from your desktop or your phone a simple process from most anywhere. Second, the advances in digital cinema cameras alongside digital editing systems have made making compelling stories in video viable from both a financial as well as creative position. Simply put where corporations once invested in capabilities brochures and annual reports to tell their stories, they now use video. These are the new tools for communications.
But it’s not that easy. Creating content relies on a strategic development process. It’s based on having a long-range strategy of what stories are needed to be told, how they are told, and how they might all fit together forming a larger communication. By letting the process develop you let each experience accumulate adding to the end result.
Our proposal is to build a stream of content for San Diego Sports Medicine.
Over time we’ve learned to not put all your money into one solution. There will always be certain shoots that are simply amazing, while some just won’t seem as good. Sometimes it’s the light, or maybe the subjet had a tough day. No matter how good you are or how much you plan it comes with the territory. By not having so much invested in production it’s more feasible to edit out any weak footage.
We require that our work can multi task. You should be able to populate it in a variety of different channels i.e., website, social media, as well as an overall capabilities video.
Audio is extremely powerful. While we love visual communications, when you hear someone speak to you in a way that is moving it has a profound effect. We’ve found bringing people into a place where they can simply talk about what they do gives us some amazing material which we then add to the visual side of the work.
We believe that for SDSM the people are what sets it apart. We recommend letting the people tell the story. That means selecting some of the doctors and staff, perhaps even some patients to work with in telling the story. You would start by shooting a group of very short videos. They’d be shot in manner that conveyed each the individual personalities and focused on the people skills that is the foundation of SDSM. Rather than shooting them all at once they’d be shot over a period of time.
Who are we?
For years, Lois and I have worked together as partners in both commerce and life. Between us we have expertise in graphic design, photography, cinematography, video editing, and motion graphics. Most projects we work on involve us on the strategic side. We’re well connected in the San Diego creative community participating in various professional organizations. We love racing sailboats and are active members of several fleets at San Diego Yacht Club.